A couple of throwbacks


Not doing too much tonight. I’m in between packing , making a new layout, reminiscing with RealPlayer’s playlist.

I honestly have nothing to say today. My creatively ability has been exhausted … I’ve worked on too many layouts today. Here’s what’s on the playlist

Immature – Please Don’t Go
LMAO! Flashback to that Immature concert…front row seats when they were the stuff back in the day, beeches!

Aaliyah – At Your Best
Memories of cruising through Houston to nowhere in particular…I actually, I can’t quite remember…I think we were heading in a REEALLY roundabout way toward San Antonio.

Tevin Campbell – Can We Talk
I remember my oldest sister bursting in my room after bedtime to read some lyrics she made to this song for some class in junior high. I also remember not caring that much.

Zhane – Sending My Love
Another cruising through Houston song. I don’t know why there are so many of these…we really didn’t go that much. The images of La Quinta Inn also comes to mind as I think that was the hotel of choice when we lived in the Lone Star State.

Sade – Is it a Crime
Back in the day, I used to see Sade records laying around the house all the time. For some reason, I equated with “father” having an affair with Sade. Yeeeeaaah…

Coolin’ At the Playground – Another Bad Creation
The first “rap” song I learned the lyrics to. (I was in like the first grade…upshut.) LOL me and my pigtales acting all hood…lmao.

I swing my beats .. at the playground..ya know!

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