I’m not sayin, but I’m just sayin…


I’m alive. See?

In other news…

I was going to rant about people not accepting ANYTHING outside of their mental models when it comes to fandoms, but I feel like I’ve talked about that before. Like how people identify with these strangers institutions so fiercely, they almost claim them for themselves in a way and will argue down anything that does not vibe with their personal definition of what this institution represents.

My annoyance about that flares up quite often.

I will just say, if you consume something and you don’t like said something, instead of tearing it down, consider that you are not the target audience and that it’s not meant for you. This especially applies to tributes to ducked out celebrities. Don’t be mad if the latest flash in the pan is doing the tribute for your fav :

  1. Honestly, would ANYONE live up to your expectations for such a tribute?
  2. Would you have watched the show anyway?
  3. It’s about ratings to capture an audience who likely isn’t you.
  4. Like 70% of representations of said artists should be encouraged. How else would the young people know about them? The greatness of the artists will die with us if we’re stingy with how they’re represented. Let the youngin’s salute their heroes. Lil Jenny Mae will want to know why [insert current pop star name here] cried during the 3942308483274th millionth version of [insert popular song everyone knows by the tributed artist here].

Let it happen.

The children are the future.

Feed them treats and encourage them to seek out more.




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