I was bamboozled!



Okay that’s not a word, but whatever.

So Tuesday or so, they send an email about me needing a new smart card. They linked it to some email issues they had on the server several weeks ago. We were told we’d have to make an appointment later in the week and to stay tuned about an appointment time.

I noted it and carried on about my day.

Then yesterday happened…I’d already taken the day off due to a horrible migraine that was worse than usual…then I heard the news so it was lots of crying and throwing up and disbelief. Got a ton of texts from people and co-workers checking on me as they were all aware of him being so important to me. It was a little strange though that my boss kept texting to check on me…

I also got the email about my appointment time for my smart card the next day. I was like “I could give an eff about a smart card” and it’s mandatory too? Is that really necessary? I can check my email online…without a smart card…

So this morning my business analyst on my project texts me to see how I am and I told him I was making it…would don my purple outfit and head into the office. He gave me thumbs up emojii’s and again I was like “why does he care though…weird”.

Went in…I thought the team would do something, like get Krispy Kremes, but nope…nothing. My lead developer offered a sincere “Happy Birthday” during stand up and I was like

Went through my day…mostly validating bugs for the system I’m in charge of…

Geek Squad took me to lunch. One of them was on the smart card list and I noted it was strange that he got pinged on that as I’d thought it only affected people who had DC related accounts. I didn’t think much of it though.

Headed back to the office after lunch. Was going to to check email one more time and head to my smart card appointment.

Did a walk around to the team to make sure everyone had what they needed before I left…and my Lead Developer held me up some. He asked what my plans were for by birthday and I said nothing really. Bout to go home and chill after I get my Smart Card….he mentioned something about needing to get his renewed…

Went downtown to our main office…

Came up to our floor….and was heading to see who all was in the office since I was early to my appointment.

The PM who works on my project saw me and routed me to someone’s office…wanted to discuss financials. I thought that was weird because we just traded emails about this…then he went on tangents about wanting the phone I had…I was trying to go see if I could get my fingerprints and stuff done so I could go home, but he kept droning on and on…

He got a phone call and I could hear the voice on the other end, my co-worker friend. I told him to tell her hi and could hear her sing out “heey KaNisa.” in her singsong voice…

She asked him to come to her office for some financial stuff (he’s a book boss for proposals and things sometimes). At the same time the exec assistant of the Atlanta office comes by and says we can do my fingerprints. PM is like “i’ll walk with you” and so we walk. I head to where I know the office is, and she’s like “oh we have to do some paperwork first” so I follow her….to the kitchen where this is…


Well I didn’t get a picture of the initial set up, but it was 20 or so people lined up behind that table and they yelled surprise and Happy Birthday!

I was so SO surprised! All the emails were fake! All the texts were to make sure I’d come to work today! They literally were tracking my wheareabouts all day today, making sure someone was with me!

They also got me this!

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Which is horrible! Very worst time for me to be drinking! But my favorites! Dr Pepper was there too!

I soooooooooooooooooo appreciate this! Like….I was really sad coming into this birthday not even because of Prince, but because I thought I’d spend it by myself. I had no idea this was coming!

I feel appreciated!

People care!


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Lazy Bedtime Blog [Audio]


  • April 23, 2016 at 2:52 pm

    Nobody, and I mean nobody, deserves this more!

    • April 23, 2016 at 6:55 pm



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