I mean I get it but…


Ughh….ew, ew, EW, EW!

So…I have fam in the music industry.

Recently posted to the social networks about a reunion tour a group he’s in is going on.

Posted to my normal facebook timeline, the fam’s group, and twitter to gather up support.

Got a couple of new fb friend requests from various cousins based on my post, which I generally accept because fam, especially if we have a lot of friends in common.

SO I’m putting along on the internet as I do…and I get a message from one of the recently friended cousins on fb.

Tell me why this dude was trying to chat me up? Asking for my number and other stuff?

EVEN AFTER I WAS LIKE, “I’m sorry, cousin, what do you need my number for?”

Made sure to use the term “cousin”. That wasn’t a figurative “cousin” like Black people consider other black people family, that was a “I know your Momma because she’s my Momma’s cousin” cousin…

Gross and gross, and gross!!!

Again backing out with Biology….WAY out…

Understood, male drive to associate or pursue attractive women to propagate their genetic material. This is a natural inclination.

However, this is tempered and stunted by various societal rules, morals, past experience, bias, etc so it isn’t so immediate…hopefully.

But the notion and I know it’s reality, but the notion that people and, specifically talking about dudes here, think that they are entitled to your time, attention, and ESPECIALLY your body is NUTS.

Like I get it, biologically,…but I don’t get the extra layer of human “but wait” that doesn’t seem to come up when in the presence of an attractive female.

It’s a weird cognitive dissonance…understanding the science, but not understanding the “but wait” that doesn’t always kick in and separate us from other animal cousins….

Also in related topics, I always feel weird about asking the universe for things, especially if it involves other people in any way. Like when you “pray” or “ask” for specific things or to interact with specific people, you’re basically asking to deny someone else’s free will for your benefit.

Also seems kind of self-important…praying for someone to do something you want them to do regardless of their own wishes or desires.


Just….I don’t know.

How about we all, especially when it comes to people, just see a pretty “flower” respect them as flowers, learn about the flower, understand how it grows, learn how it gets its nutrients,  see what environments it thrives in, see if would be able to grow if it was transplanted in your yard….

Instead of just trying to cut it off at the stem because you think it’s pretty and would look cool on your desk.

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