

I’ve had a few…

I guess people take small glasses of vodka vs. shots…but I feel like I can keep track of what I’m drinking better when it’s in shot portions…

Listening to oldies on Pandora…a “People Make the World Go Round” Pandora station.

I find that even though I’m usually super exhausted at the end of the week, Friday nights are best for “being social” or at least being out and about. That way, you have two whole days after that to not do anything…or at least it somehow extends the weekend if you’re in the streets late on Friday nights…like the weekend starts at COB or something.

Did have fun on Friday. Tinder dude and I went to an art opening. I intended to get a piece from the show, but most everything was already sold. I did get his info though as he makes Henson stuff and is doing a series…trying to get in to see it before it’s sold…

After that we went to the High museum…they had a Brazilian Jazz night going on (Bossa Nova? I LOVE Bossa Nova) but it was at capacity so they were turning people away.

Went to Joysticks Bar instead…it’s kind of a bar/lounge. You can play board games and classic coin machines. We were going to play Clue, but needed 3 people…rounded up nearby people…looked at the instructions for modern day Clue which by the way was unnecessarily complicated….

We played dominos instead.

Overall an early night. Got dropped off at the house around midnight. Posted pics of my hair (the last entry) and went to bed.

Napped through Saturday for the most part. Was trying to watch Daredevil, but couldn’t really get into it tbh…will try again tomorrow. And now I am are here listening to old school jams, having shots of vodka (with water in between), and tweeting a lot of stuff that will probably get deleted tomorrow.


SO nuts…I can’t even fathom doing this with someone else here for some reason. My normal is to be by myself so much, it’s weird to have someone else around…


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