Midweek Update


Trying to jump start my brain to get some work done….free writing helps!

School Night Outing Planned

A little sleepy today. I didn’t stay up late…not sure why I’m this tired. I have tickets to a Hawks game tonight again. Don’t reeeeally want to go, but I will. After work school night things are tough. Helping to coach a geek squad member through his dating situation as an impartial party…though I’m clearly the last person to ask about such things. Taking him as my second person.

Extended Family Happenings

Cousin’s (a couple of times removed) grandmother passed away recently. Some aunts went to support. You all may know him as Butterf.ly from D.igable Pl.anets….he’s currently known as Shab.azz Palace.s. It’s kind of a big deal…he’s stayed in Seattle to be near hear all this time…and his mom passed a while back also…and he’s an only child. He’s taking it really hard… not sure what his plans are since his reasons for staying there are gone now…

Christmas at the Home Front Drama

Christmas is likely to be dicey again this year. Last year had slightly sad situations with Dr. Sister not coming home and us video calling her to open presents together. Her husband was nowhere to be found and she was obviously depressed doing that on her own. Kind of heart breaking for all of us because Christmas is SUPER important to us…

This year, there are high chances of them not coming again due to recent break-ins  in their neighborhood. They want to stay and hold down the fort. Too bad BIL didn’t use that 100k to buy a house in a better neighborhood instead of using it to buy a Porsche they didn’t need. Ruination is likely as Daddy is super passive aggressive and will be bitter. He’s been preparing the house with decorations for WEEKS.

We were all excited to be in the family home with Nephew Neo though. It would have been the first time the whole family was at the house, ever. I’d also tried to organize a Secret Santa gift exchange to not have to buy gifts for 7 other people, but I don’t know if that’s going to work out anymore.

Send…something…it’s going to be rough. Other sister and I are trying to minimize the time spent at the family home to not be dragged down for an extended period of time…

Holiday PTO is a thing this year

I’m attempting to take off work for 2 WHOLE WEEKS minus one day!

Spent today lining up my POC’s for while I’m out. Writing out quick guides for them so they’ll know what to do and where to find things…with directions to call me ONLY IN AN EMERGENCY.

This will be my first break since my trip to St. Lucia for my 30th back in April since I worked during all the other holidays this year.

One client was trying to push for me to work over Christmas this year as well, but I was like NO! Especially, since I supported them over Thanksgiving only for them to move the launch date back a week. Glad I slaved and gave up family time to meet their deadline… O_O

Got a junior resource to support them instead. She’s outside of my capability area, but is one of my developers I oversee in my  “Program Manager” role. She’s more of a back-end developer, but I found out she’s an AMAZING ILLUSTRATOR. Her kind of talent can translate well to web….especially since she understands coding logic well enough to pick up CSS. Generally back-end and front-end developers do not have the same skillsets at all. Two different parts of the brain…but rare unicorns can do both.

For my larger contract, I have yet another person outside of my capability area supporting me. He’s a business analyst…a very detail oriented one. Also junior, but he has a healthy anxiety to want to do things properly and would probably stress out appropriately if things weren’t going well. I kind of prefer these types of people as they are proactive about not dropping the ball on stuff.

See! I’m learning to delegate!

Celebrate me!

Now I have to figure out what I’m going to do after getting back from the fam Christmas. A whole week and half with no obligations? And no work to think about?

I know I was depressed in that week after Christmas last year…realizing that I’m so busy with work all the time, I had not developed relationships outside of that enough for people to want to hang out with me, but I don’t know that I’ll be sad about that this year. A week of no people asking for my time, or favors, or me doing things for them sounds GLORIOUS!

Or at least, people can ask, but I’d rather host then go somewhere.

PSA to people who know me : If you want to hang out, please be okay with trekking to East Atlanta because effort is effortful.

I’ll provide me.

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