

Brain is slow to start clicking this morning so here I am!

I have a lot to write today for work, but ideas aren’t quite coming yet…I’m probably hungry…and mostly worn out already…

Last night was coding two websites. It didn’t take long, but it did go from nothing to two full out websites so most of my creative energy was drained….

Today is Strategic Plan writing, finishing assessments, and reviewing project documentation from the Project Managers I oversee. For the Strategic Plan, things are changing on a contract and it’s much more difficult to set standards in the model where UX involvement is up to the pod. For the assessments, it’s easier to write manager assessments when people are invested in their careers enough to write optional self assessments. I unfortunately had 3 who decided not to this year…which really is more work for me…since I don’t know what people who don’t work directly for me are doing. The whole point of those is to give suggestions based on what you write in the self assessment so…


Only the bad stuff gets reported to me so guess what will be in on yours since you didn’t advocate for yourself…

Reeeeealy trying not to poo poo too much but his week will be so busy….work every day (probably Thanksgiving too), meetings every day, deadlines, family drama, always something…



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