I made mistakes…


Trying to keep my brain engaged for 4-5 more hours.

Weird (non-exciting) things happened this weekend that caused me not to sleep AT ALL last night. I’ve officially been awake for about 27 hours.

Side effects :

  • Slight migraine – I’ve had one for the past several days…which probably contributes to difficulty sleeping as I don’t sleep well with those. I feel like the  weather will be something this week…stormy…
  • Sleepy – I didn’t really start getting sleepy until around 25 hours. Shortly after I realized my plan to telecommute in case I passed out or something wouldn’t be successful because I couldn’t connect to my new project’s resources via my home setup. Had to drive to the office to pick up a laptop. Driving when you are seconds from sleep is a pretty not good idea…would not recommend.
  •  Stomach things – I’m hungry, but I’m more tired than hungry. Also my stomach is like “wut”. Fun bathroom trips. (Probs tmi but whatever I’m being detailed.) I should eat something soon though or the headache will get worse….
  • General dullness – It’s like being drunk but with a good sense of balance. I also feel like I couldn’t carry on a spoken conversation…but writing is okay.

I have a series of meetings this afternoon. Pretty much back to back 1-5.  Trying to stay up as long as I can to get into a regular sleep schedule. 7-8 PM would be ideal…but might crash between 5 and 6.

At least I’ll be up bright and early if I re-calibrate to wake up at 6!

Wish me luck!

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I think…I might actually be losing it.


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