Heavy is the head…


Had to do this today (figuratively).

First time I’ve actually had to do this directly as everyone else has self selected out.

Really tough!

I’ve always told my people that your reputation is EVERYTHING. A few behaviors turns into overall perception…and that is tough when you work for a company where you’re only as good as your work. Not who you are, or what’s in your head, but what you produce.

We’re consulting and that usually has an up or out model, but that culture isn’t as pronounced as we’re more functional. It IS still there though. If you’re not moderately improving over time you’re looked at as stagnant or phoning it in. That combined with letting some things slip through the cracks established someone as a person who has good ideas, but can’t consistently deliver a solid product. They ask lots of questions, but can’t focus that to make a recommendation unless pressed. They also set too many precedents that they over promise and under deliver in highly visible areas where senior leadership had direct visibility over the deliverables…those same ones who hold the power to employ them.

It’s really tough, but my runway to run interference ran out and they handed down decisions today. Had to have the talk. This isn’t even the person I normally complain about at all.

What rubs me is that this person isn’t a bad worker really, not bad enough to let go. They just need a less chaotic environment to help focus them and hone their skills. Problem is that there aren’t a ton of local opportunities to hone skills without oversight…and people are mostly expected to be able to do the job they signed up for without much hand holding…or to figure out a way and execute on their own.

So that’s why we’re here.

Tough times.

I need a win in life. Whole lot of losses for several months…

I’m tired.

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TGI Motherfluffin F!


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