

It is 1 September 2015.

I admittedly have been in a funk for the past few weeks.

No more woe is me.

No more boo the world.

It is officially the most wonderful time of the year, and it’s time to turn over a new leaf.

I have tickets to something every weekend of September (pretty much).

This weekend is Dragoncon.

Next weekend, One Music Fest.

The following weekend, a break.

The following weekend Ms. Jackson if ya nasty.

And first weekend of October, AfroP.unk Atlanta.

I truly am set up to live life deliberately at each one…and should.

Instead of doing the woe is me in the KaNisa cave and watching people do things on the social medias, I should go out and live life while I have a life to live.

Going to reach out to some people to run the streets with me.

Going to not worry about expectations and just take things as the come.

Going to delete horoscope apps from my phone…what happens, happens (I read those and dread the next day pretty much).

Going to plan out outfits for the week and pack my work bag a la elementary school to help me launch from bed.

Going to finish up The Knox ASAP so I can have my discretionary money back.

Going to start ramping up on Elf News Network to get into the holiday/autumn spirit.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results so…let me practice what I preach and get busy.

(Lmbo at my random bouts of optimism, but I’m for real going to try this time!)

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Raising Dion
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Random things…


  • September 2, 2015 at 6:29 pm
    Pretty Primadonna

    I support all of this. Sounds like a fun and exciting month! Stepping just a little out of your comfort zone can have huge returns. :-)

    • September 2, 2015 at 11:29 pm

      Here’s hoping! ?


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