Note to self…


Also, wanted to respond to e-auntie’s comment on the last entry.

The need to provide value, IMO, is a masculine trait. And sure that is great at work but not at home. Do you expect people to provide value to you to be in your life (outside of work)? Honestly, we women provide value by simply being. That’s right. Existing is value! May seem arrogant but it’s true, arrogant or not.

Loaded! I truly don’t know how to “simply be” though, for real…

Also, I do kind of expect people to provide value outside of work too…not like be workers per say…it could be emotional value even, but like…yeah…this does not compute…isn’t the point of living to do more than exist? I almost feel like if you aren’t giving somehow, you’re taking away…time, resources, air…

You assert your identity by being YOU to the exclusion of everything else. First, know YOU. Second, pretend like their expectations don’t exist. Be prepared for backlash from people who are already in your life. When you won’t let them put their expectations on you, they will become frustrated and even angry. Ignore that. They’ll get over it. They will adjust or go away. If they go away, it makes room for people who are accepting of YOU.

I’m okay with this one though. I think being me is what limits my social opportunities for the most part…people thinking I’m boring and such. I don’t care about this limitation really until I look at social media and wonder if I’m missing out on stuff…but then I realize social media is a highlight reel anyway…and also that being out among people means putting on clothes and being presentable.

I’m slightly afraid and also somewhat confident that I have a good chance of being forever alone, but I’d rather be that than a mother to a 40 year old dude so…

In other news…

Thinking I might skip DragonCon this year.

Last year was okay, but I didn’t really plan too much for outfits, and don’t have people to go with this year.

I thought I’d save my energy for AfroPun.k Atla.nta instead. (October)

Was looking up how to put outfits together for the stuff I have and came across this Alternative Black Girls tum.blr (NSFW).

I’ll pull some pics out that are work friendly :

ecstasymodels:Christmas Feeling Sai Sankoh




I feel these ladies and admire them.

I love how diverse we are. Was tweeting earlier about how it blows my mind that dudes are like “I’m not into Black girls” or “Black girls aren’t into me.”

Limited exposure…We are extremely diverse in the way we look, act, dress, etc…

. . .

Bllrrg…feel like I’ve been extra in my feelings lately.

Yes I get moody sometimes, but still I am not pushing it off on others!

Ya’ll came here to read, shoot! Lol!

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  • August 30, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    Being in your natural energy and aligned with the universe allows you to be. And that being is where you, on a base level, provide value to others and vice versa. Anyone can provide a service. They can be there to help you with tasks. They can accompany you to San Diego Comic Con. But an exchange of energy and emotions provides special value.

    You are only considered boring to people who don’t do what do you do. Find your tribe. And if you strike out and find that you misjudged, find another or make your own. I don’t consider you boring. I consider you interesting, valuable, and inspirational.

    With regard to men, I wish I had the keys to the kingdom to share with you. I wish I could say hopeful words but…Here’s what I have to say: Live life. Have your brand of fun. When other life events happen, you may have less time for your brand of fun.

    • August 30, 2015 at 4:29 pm

      Also, those girls are hawt!!

      • August 31, 2015 at 5:15 pm

        I know, right? I’m way too protective of my hair to dye it, but I did lightweight look at temporary hair color after spending hours on that site…

        I’m def not about the tattoo life though…

    • August 31, 2015 at 5:17 pm

      Makes sense.

      I think I probably write people off before giving them a chance too. Like…hint of drama, I’m out.

      Maybe a few warnings of drama…and then be out? Lol…

      I’m anxious enough as it is…


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