Feed Reader and Lurker Check-ins!


This one is for the feed read crew (and lurkers)!

Sometimes I reach out to people who comment to ask questions, follow up on comments, or send invite only posts for people who have been following for a while and would be interested in certain developments. I know you all exist out there (I see when you actually navigate to the site from your readers) and I don’t want to leave you guys out as I think some of you have been keeping up with me for a long time! (‘Preciate the support!)

If you don’t mind sharing an email, I’m happy to add you to the list! Just shout me a holler at andsoitislive@gmail.com.

Not to put you out there, but pointed looks to the Texas people…and someone who resolves to an Arkansas IP address…though the description of address refers to another state!


Also…if you hail from Buford, Ga…shout me a holler as well.

I be watching you all watch me!

(Of course none of you have to do this, just generally shouting out the people who I know to be frequent visitors. )

Previous Post
Lightbulb Moment!
Next Post
Summer Tee Vee


  • August 9, 2015 at 6:19 pm
    Tiffany In Houston

    You didn’t have to call me out. LMAOOOOOOOO!! Yes I’m still reading. You can snag the email on my comment..

    • August 9, 2015 at 6:30 pm

      Ha ha! Success! Thanks!

  • August 10, 2015 at 4:01 pm

    GUESS I AM BUSTED! I am the Arkansas lurker.

    • August 10, 2015 at 4:02 pm

      Come one come all! *Waves!

      Email to your inbox in a moment!


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