Creative Observations


I really like blogsome and how customizable it is, but man, blogspot had me spoiled with the automatic saving of drafts…I just finished writing an entire entry…whole thing…gone

sigh…once again though…

Radio KaNisa is back —->

I really like Robin Thicke

I remember hearing his sound for the first time a few years ago during the first and last time I watched The Source on TV. They were trying to pub him as the new hotness. I remember thinking, “yeah, yeah…” but actually ended up being impressed.

The first couple of songs on the playlist are his. He’ll be coming out with a new album in March. Be on the lookout.

In other news…

A lot of people liked the Selfish poem from the other day; one did so much that she’s writing it out on a Valentine she’s sending to her boyfriend. I’m not sure about the context of the poem for something like that, but it is nice.

The roommates and I decided to take it back to the old school and make some Valentines as it isn’t often when you get one in college. While cutting out some hearts, I noticed something…when turned upside down, a heart looks a bit like a nicely shaped female bottom. After voicing this epiphany, everyone started to wonder where the traditional shape of the heart came from. We consulted Wikipedia:

There are many claims that the “heart” shape actually depict features of the human female, such as the female’s pubic mound or vulva. A Sumerian cuneiform symbol for “woman” closely resembles the heart shape, and is believed to directly depict the pubic mound. Others maintain that the heart resembles the shape of the female breasts or the female buttocks, especially when bent over in readiness for copulation. Any of these origins would indicate that the heart was originally a symbol of fertility and sexuality, explaining its current association with love.

Using this piece of information, I have come up with an idea. Instead of making Valentines, something I am actually repulsed from doing as it is a bit of a sappy tradtion and I am quite a cynical person when not in a relationship, I am going to make “Bootitines”. Perhaps with “Happy Bootitines Day” on the front, and a quick historical lesson of where the graphical representation of the heart came from on the back.

It’s both creative and socially conscious. Here’s an unfinished version:

A Bootitine.

I thought it was pretty creative…

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If by Ruyard Kipling


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