Jesus Take the Keyboard




I posted the tribute video to Facebook yesterday as the fam wanted to share it. Got congratulatory messages and things as expected…and brother in law commented saying it was done well.

Then it devolved into a Apple discussion (he asked if the software I used was better than iMovie) because he’s an Apple fan boy….I went in a tad regarding, then ended up deleting the whole line of comments between us because that’s not what the video was about.

I wanted to really call out why he actually likes Apple so much (he’s a “buy the most expensive Apple things as soon as it comes out to stunt” type as he is ALWAYS stunting….but I didn’t.

I just said it was company that places the Apple lifestyle above their actual overpriced products…and that being hyper aware of the psychology behind their marketing positioning makes me distrustful of the brand.

But anyway…

I admit I was a bit snide because dude is on everyone’s isht list.

I had hope that maybe, JUUUUUSSSST maybe he’d get some “ack right” once Neo came, but I was 92.8% doubtful this would be the case.

Gut was right.

My sister is being released from the hospital today.

They live in a 3-level townhouse with the garage on the bottom level.

She had a severe “space accommodation” situation where the sun don’t shine that makes walking extremely difficult, much less climbing even one stair.

Tell me why not only is he not there to take her home from the hospital she regularly works and teaches at (because he “has” to teach…apparently they don’t have substitute teachers? And he LITERALLY doesn’t contribute more than 10% of the income that comes into their house…he can miss ONE day….)…

But he also won’t be home for several hours….

And there’s no bathroom on the first floor of their home….I imagine that a brand new mom needs such a thing.

And she can’t climb stairs…

And all the baby stuff is on the second level…

And my mom and sister can’t carry her either without difficulty…

And their dog hasn’t been fed or walked since Monday because sister always did that…

And there’s no food in the house because sister always did that…


My mother seriously needs to stay there until my sister can get around on her own. At least a month. She obviously will have NO help…whatsoever…

And it really pisses me off.

He also was taking naps while she was in hard labor and crying in agony, but whatever. He must have been tired I guess…………………….

Quote from his facebook announcement post with 157 likes : “Shout out to my wifey, who was a Champion throughout the “ENTIRE” process. I’m in love 😍 with you Gurl 😉


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