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It’s kind of interesting, I think my journal voice is influenced by whatever I’m doing at the time. It’s so noticeable with the entry about the Christmas break…I was reading Sister Souljah’s The Coldest Winter Ever. During the Resolution entry, I was reading through my Jill Scott Book.

Now I’m listening to some of that music I’ll unveil on Tuesday.

This first time I heard this CD was at one of my Soror’s house. We were preparing her house for a party, and the DJ had it playing just to set a mood. I remember being so impressed because every song was so good and I was excited that Rhythm and Blues hasn’t died out completely… Jill Scott poem of the moment:

Do me
Screw me
Tease me
Please me
Freak me
Leash me
Lick me
Suck me
Oh God, where are the love songs?

I’m trying to figure out what kind of mood this music puts me in. I can’t really figure it out. I think this music is kind of sexy, kind of sophisticated…it’s a personality that begs to be associated with a person. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that would embody this though…I suppose that could be a good thing, because if I ever did, I’d be in real trouble..*laughs*

I think the personality of the girl in the mirror is this way though…

Sometimes I wish I was as soulful as Ms. Scott is. She’s so deep, and her lyrics and poetry are so identifiable…it seems like she’s lived a long time, that she’s so wise. I would love to meet her. I remember reading an article with her and Soror Sonia Sanchez (who is adamant about telling people she pledged btw) of course no one can compare to Ms. Sanchez, but Jill’s book is styled like Like Singing Coming off the Drums.

I wish I would have really known who Soror Sanchez was when I first met her. I think I was about 15 or so…I just knew her to be the speaker at my sisters graduation from the University of Michigan. They had a reception beforehand. She was very small, even smaller than I am and she wore clothes with a colorful African print on them. I’m so mad at myself because I can’t really recall what her speech was about, probably because I didn’t understand it. I remember my sister introducing her, and I remember her saying something about libations…


I hope I get a chance to meet her again. I have so many questions to ask…

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1 Comment

  • January 2, 2006 at 4:48 am

    I just wanted to comment that I think your blog and pages are really nice. I came across the site by accident and I am a die hard Jill Scott fan and enjoyed your comments so I RSS your site. :) *Kudos* -Candy


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