Gimmie that p-word.


Didn’t really do anything today other than sleep and read. The plan was to wake up from a short nap, and watch the tribute to Richard Pryor on BET at 7:30. When I flipped over to that station, a show about how sex is portrayed in rap and hip hop was on instead. I was a little annoyed, but also intrigued so while checking on the internet for when the tribute will be on during commercial breaks (Thursday at 11 pm on BET) I tried to get some enlightenment.

First of all “boo” for some rapper being like:

“it’s about giving your children the 555-1212 on life in general.”

The show raised some points like how rap shouldn’t be blamed for perpetuating so many ideas because sex was being sold on billboards, magazines even toothbrush ads.

I agree that sex is sold in all those places. I’m a collector of ads and some of the ones I own are quite sexual. I think it’s somehow different though. Two wineglasses that have an illusion to it that make them look like the outlining of a woman’s body makes the viewer think that it’s a sexy sophisticated ad. It sells a lifestyle. It’s subtle. It’s open for interpretation. Do you see the glasses or the body. Two naked women in the tub rubbing on each other and making out is not subtle. It’s raw. It’s sex. It’s obvious. I don’t think that the sexual aspect of hip hop culture is innocent in any way. I believe to some degree they should be blamed, not in whole but in part.

I’m a big proponent of parents having responsibility for their children and how their children perceive things. For example, my parents shielded me from seeing a lot of sex and violence when I was younger. Sure I played the shoot em up games, but they raised me to understand that although such games did represent an aspect of real life, that the game is just a game. They raised me with enough sense to not go out and repeat those actions in public.

With rap glorifying sex and violence and saying that you’re not a man unless you “handle yours” ,whatever that means, to kids who didn’t have such a foundation like I did, they’re not going to know that it’s not something they shouldn’t be doing. They’re going to look at their role models and want to be just like them.

Then there’s the video girls like Melyssa Ford and everyone like her. The egotistical female in me admires her to some degree, she’s “using what she has to get what she wants” from the very simple minds of males (and some females) who will pay to get it. She has a whole empire on selling her body, I don’t believe she does so physically, but by what I know of her, business is legitimate.

In a video like tip drill, it does bother me that the girls on there are being objectified and everything and the ladies at Spelman who were protesting that video did have a point. However, how many of those same girls at Spelman go to the club and grind their backsides into random dudes “equipment”? I agree with this show when they said some random dude will pick some girl out of a group and start grinding with her and for the most part, she will let him.

So these girls will get upset about other girls getting all nasty in bathtubs and rubbing up against these guys, but they’ll pretty much do the same thing in a club?

Okay then. At least the girls in the video are being PAID!

I’m not saying I’m innocent. For the most part though, I don’t go to clubs and if I did and some random dude tried to get up on me, I would tell him to keep it moving.

At parties, I haven’t been to many, but I never really dance at those either. Now I have party walking to fall back on and I can count on one finger one male who I would allow to grind on me. LOL!

I think for the most part through, people should stop pointing fingers at others and start pointing them at themselves or their parents…don’t cry and whine about the chick in the “gimmie that p-word” video when you know you’re the main one in the club singing along and backing up on some male’s private area.

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