Crazy person of the day

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him: you are beautiful
him: are you there?
Me: hello, yes..
Me: thanks..
him: how can i be your friend
Me: LOL…
him: but never dated any one in my life
him: so you will have to teach me
him: one more thing i am not rich…but have a big heart
him: what you say friends
Me: um…lol
him: do you have any more photos
Me: where are you looking?
Me: well i meant what photos of mine you were looking at…but thanks
him: the one next to this messages
Me: how do you know which one is me?
him: you are the one on left
him: am i right
Me: mmm hmm
him: friends
him: what you say
Me: don’t most people work up to that?
him: i dont know
Me: i think most do
him: ok
him: lets be friends
him: i will start
him: you can give me a call on monday at 770-***-**** ask for hm
Me: phone numbers come into play way down the line…
him: oh
him: i am some what fast
him: i trust everyone till they break my trust
him: and life is too short to worry
him: what you say
Me: again i say…phone numbers come into play way down the line…
him: i did’t got what you are saying
Me: that i don’t really talk to people from the internet on the phone
him: ok
him: you want to meet
him: not possible? busy?
Me: well one i won’t be back in atlanta until january and two i don’t usually meet people from the internet either
Me: it’s usually just speaking via a messenger program and thats it
him: ok
Me: besides there are some pivotal questions you haven’t asked, like whether i have a boyfirend or not
him: i was looking for real friend
him: i did’t ask you have b/f
him: you are mixing up some one with me
Me: i know you didn’t
him: have a good day
him: bye
him: you need to pay attention while talking
Arhythmchim: clearly, you need to listen to context clues and pay attention while reading. If I DID have a boyfriend, I certainly wouldn’t want to jeopardize the relationship or myself by going to meet some random person from the internet. The question of whether I have a boyfriend or not was a valid one that you should have asked. Also I kept stating that, “phone numbers come into play way down the line…” because I would never give mine to a person I don’t even know. Perhaps, in the future, you should revise the way you approach ladies on the internet so they may react in a more accepting manner. YOU have good day now, bye.

ganted that i didn’t need to say all that and should have just let it go, but I have this ego where I don’t like people talking to me any kind of way, especially when clearly they are the ones who are confused, so…you know me being me i had to rectify the situation…

Where do these people come from though?

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1 Comment

  • December 17, 2005 at 4:43 pm

    Well i most certainly didnt approach you that way… C’mon my momma didnt raise no fool…lol


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