We are family, I got all my sisters with me


Man I love my Sorors!

Last night was so nice. I was bored because I”d finished writing a paper and was actually kind of proud that I did work so I decided to take a break and hang out. One of my roommates and I decided to bake some things, she was planning on making some Snickerdooldes (which are scrumptious by the way) and I was making Apple Pie.

So we rolled out to the get the ingredients around eight, arrived at the store, and was perusing shelves for things and ran into one of our prophyptes. It was kind of random because she lived no where near there and she’s hardly ever in town anyway, but it’s so nice to hear “hey Sorors” and seeing prophytes when you don’t have to be scared of them anymore, lol.

So we conversed for a while and went on back home.

Made the cookies and pie.

Two more Sorors came in…

It was so cool we chilled hard eating backed goods, watching TV and just talking about everything from laxatives (LMAO) to girl talk (WOW Found out some things…lol) to….just all kinds of things.

It was really cool. One of the things I wanted to get out of this sorority life was another group of sisters. It was weird at first having everyone in the apartment be AKA’s except me, but I’m so glad I didn’t move out because even though they’re not here all the time, when everyone is here I feel like the family is together again…I’m going to miss them during the break…Aww I love my sorority sisters!

Begins researching potato sacks for May graduation…

From August 21, 2005:

“In the future, when people are walking up to get thier diplomas at graduation, I’m shooting them in the leg and dragging them off in a potato sack. Good friends and worthy males are too hard to find these days…”

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