

WARNING: Ladies, be careful when wearing jeans with your boots on the outside. That style accents curves, even if you have yet to believe you have any, and will attract rude people with penises.


Males never cease to NOT impress me.

So I decided to rep Nu Beta today with my line jacket and as a rule one most always look “fly” when repping in a line jacket. So you know I was getten it with a sweater, some jeans with my boots on the outside, and a hat. As always #3 (that’s me for all who didn’t know, take note) never did like the attention a line jacket attracts, or at least the amount of attention the person wearing the line jacket gets, but she had yet to wear the jacket that much this week so….

So I’m in the dining hall attempting to use 55 more meals before next Friday, and some dude comes up in my face, looks me up and down appreciatively and says, “DA-YUM”

Boo+boo=boo boo.

How does one respond to acclimations like that? I was like, “*look at the unseen audience* Really?!” *walks away*.

(Okay not really, but that would be funny and AKAtude-ish…I really just looked at him like he was crazy.)

Then another dude was like MMPH, Mmph, mmph, and blatantly looked at #3’s assets! (which are few and far between if you ask me. )

What’s really going on? Is it not possible to just admire a lady, talk to them without them knowing you’re checking them out, and then leave respectfully? I mean at least let them walk away before checking out the assets! That is so rude and just distasteful!


Now a crazy person is talking to me on Yahoo and hasn’t gotten then hint that I am in no way and will never be interested. You’re almost 30! And you’re rapping a poem about how special I am now? Really?

Stop talking to me please.


I am kind of mean I guess, and extremely picky about who I consort with, but everyone has to be to some degree. I always believed that your friends are a mirror of who you are, and it’s especially important now since I’m no longer KaNisa, I’m KaNisa the AKA.

At the same time though I guess I should be more accepting of people… but I’m sorry but it just annoys me when everyone thinks they’re a rapper and feels that they need to write poetry and or raps for random girls on the internet…


Will a real male please stand up?!?!

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We are family, I got all my sisters with me


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