A special night

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Just so you know, these Instrumental songs will not be up for long…

Images of slow dancing in front of fires (or screensavers or Windows Media Player visualizations with fires on them if you are an inventive college student) to these are dancing in my head, and those visions are forbidden until there is someone to do that with.

Take note of that first song though. It was the song I mentioned a while back, Christmas Star from Home Alone II? That’s my jam.

Okay well maybe I should go ahead and type out this vision. Maybe I won’t think about it so much otherwise. Man If I were a guy, and about a foot taller, not only would I be a very pretty man, but I’d also be a really great boyfriend. I suppose a female could to this also, actually I think I have done something similar before…man, I was a really great girlfriend myself, lol…

Without Further Ado…

How to plan a special night for your special person
(aka. How to get some)


Around Christmas time, people are usually more amorous or romantic minded than usual. It should therefore follow that if you devote time to making someone feel special when they are in this state of mind, they might appreciate it and return the favor in more was than one.


If I use the spirit of Christmas to impress my partner, will they “return the favor in more ways than one”?


If I employ the following procedure my partner will not only appreciate it, they will also think that I am the master of the universe.


Welch’s Sparkling Red Grape Juice or wine for you alcoholics ;)
Fireplace (screensaver and or Windows Media Player Visualization for you college people)
Candles (vanilla, apple, or cinnamon scented)
Desert and/or fruit
Person who you care about and you have no question cares about you (VITAL!)

(Note to preserve my aura of innocence: It’s supposed to be a kind of magical night not necessarily leading to “relations” but you know, do what you do. Also this is modified for a college environment.)


Setting: Its a cold wintry night. You’ve just invited your sweetheart over, they don’t really know why, only that it’s surprise and a night totally devoted to them. They knock on the door…

1. Step outside door and blindfold subject
2. Lead subject into room
(Subject is enveloped in the warm scents of vanilla and/or cinnamon candles)
3. Lead subject to comfortable arrangement of pillows and blankets and sit them down.
4. Feed subjectfruit and/or desert (man this sounds so academic and non apathetic but if i wrote it in a narrative way I would lose the aforementioned aura of innocence i promise…)
5. take off blindfold
(subject will see candlelight atmosphere of the room, fireplace on monitor, will think it’s cute and inventive and the arrangement they’re sitting in and feel all special and cherished…)

6. Rearrange sitting arrangement to include you.
7. Cuddle and drink juice and (or wine for you alcoholics (gag i said cuddle…) )
8. once appropriately tipsy and/or full from juice, stand subject up and proceed to slow dance
9. continue the evening at experimenters discretion
10. (subtext: burn a hole in the floor) j/k!

If someone did this for the author, she might reconsider her V-status, (lol).

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1 Comment

  • December 11, 2005 at 9:37 pm

    This was cute. I love it and it’s very creative. I might have to try it out and I’ll let you know how it turns out.


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