Just say no


So I’m a little bit upset…

Regionals for AKA falls during the most important day of the decade…my 21st birthday. I’m kind of upset about that! I had plans! Visions shoot maybe get a little adventurous, Strokers heard some ladies do that for their 21st birthdays…

But no, I will be up in Charlotte, NC with a bunch of females for days where we’ll all be stressed out and who knows how well we’ll be getting along….


The only consolation is that Southern NPHC Regionals are in Miami…of course it’ll be October in the middle of hurricane season, but maybe it’ll be fun seeing as how I’ll be 21…

Oh yes it will be off the heezy…

wow sorry for that.

What else…

Turning people away..

Not to say that I’m bringing them all to the yard, but I’m starting to realize that it does kind of suck to be single, not necessarily because you’re lonely or whatever, but because it’s hard to tell people you’re not interested. I mean is there a way to do it nicely? I feel kind of bad when people ask others out and I don’t really want go. And it’s not even like they’re that bad, it just that I don’t date people for no reason. I date with purpose. If I don’t think I would want to be in a relationship with you at some point, then I won’t date you and waste your and my time or emotions. Whether that’s efficient or rude, I don’t know, but it works.

Back to a topic of greekdom though:

Lets talk a little about stereotypes. Now that I’m on the other side, I’m wondering if the stereotypes still ring true. I think I live up to the AKA standard, pretty, a little conceited, discerning, always in a mirror, etc. but I was this way before I crossed…

I haven’t been around enough of the other sororities so far, or at least I haven’t seen anyone come through so I can’t speak on them yet….

Then just observing the frats from one side then the other…

For the Alphas

Always have had a weakness for them. I always saw them has intelligent businessmen with drive, ambitions, they knew what they wanted out of life and weren’t really about using their Greek status to get more pooty tang. Alpha men have always moved this #3…lol

View it from the other side….

For the most part, my view hasn’t changed. It’s kind of like that’s the aura they project to attract the females though and some of them use it to get the poontang, but I haven’t seen too much of that on the level of the….

Kappas which …are…um…

Okay the confidence and shimmy are sexy I’ll admit. But I don’t think I’ve ever met a really serious one. Maybe I’m more serious minded, maybe it’s a little bitterness left over from certain people that exuded Kappa qualities, not really sure what it is, but outside of just something to observe, I’m not really impressed with their stereotypical standard.


Haven’t been in contact with them much. According to some of my sorority sisters though , they can be quite nice to look at as well. Wait I take that back…Alpha party Sophomore year. They’re party walk offended me, lol…


There’s only one on campus so once again, haven’t come in contact with them much. I hear they’re pretty nasty too…

So if I had to superficially pick between these males knowing only their Greek affiliation, I’d keep it in the pham with an Alpha man.

And please note that I said “superficially pick.” There’s a whole pledge process you have to go through before crossing the burning sands to me.

I really need to stop using that “crossing the burning sands” thing…sorry…lol.

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