M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N Spells Michigan


Okay so here’s a double feature for you just because even though I love my AKA, there needs to be a balance to recent subjects just so you all know it hasn’t gone to my head…

So I’m listening to songs I consider “Michigan songs.” In KaNisa-nese, that means a song that came out during the 80’s. Those were the good ole days… white Christmas’s, great relationships with others, family time…

I remember putting on American Girl plays with my sisters. Great acting coaches they were since I couldn’t read yet always managed to play the main characters….I was Samantha in one, Marta or something in another…I died in that one…it was tragic.

I remember staying up for New Years and being terrified when the year flashed on the bottom of the screen at midnight. Still bothers me a little to this day.

I remember being hunted down by random black dogs in the back yard and then running after my sisters to the house only to be locked out with them bastages just inches behind me….they were so wrong for that…like dogs can open doors…

I remember getting rides on lawn mowers when daddy had to cut the grass because we were too little help and thought it was fun to ride…lmao….little did we dream that we’d be riding that thing ALL WE WANTED in just a few short years, lol…

I remember having birthday parties with parent’s friends kids as attendees…one of them bastages broke my slinky the day I got it. I was one pissed three year old…lol

Regardless though, those really were the best days of life when everything was carefree and generally wonderful. I think the songs remind me of those times which is why I always get a little sad and nostalgic when I hear them….

To me, Michigan is synonymous with happiness. I automatically think anyone from there is cool and that if I had to chose anywhere in the world to raise my family, it would be in that state. Even though it’s been over a decade since I’ve lived there, it’ll always be home to me.

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