People Who Press Ignore…


…on their cell phones because they don’t feel like talking. And to think I actually used to feel sad because no one used to call me…

Maybe it’s because I’m feeling anti-social today, maybe it’s because I have a migraine coming on, but for the first time in weeks, I actually turned my cell phone off. I’m getting especially annoyed when my mother calls because she usually complains/and or talks about nothing when I’m trying to sleep, do work or am just generally feeling like not talking. I mean, is it really necessary to have to talk to you EVERY DAY?! And didn’t you hear that saying, “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” Go nag someone else please…

In other news…

Not much happening. I ‘ve just been in a bad mood today. Here are some interesting things I thought about today though:

Chivalry is not dead, at least not for pretty people.

Did anyone notice how on Saved by the bell, the went to middle school in Indiana and high school in LA? What was that about?

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It’s about to be ooooon


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