I suppose…


Seventh House in Astrology : 

Companionship, the alter ego, partnerships, one-to-one relationships, marriage, the first marriage, the “significant other”, business partnerships, competitors, our “shadow self”, lawyers, mediators, counselors, contracts.

Had an eclipse hit this house at the end of last month. News from eclipses either hits right then, or about a month later.

This will be the most friendly eclipse of the year and could bring you the impetus to form an important business partnership or in the romantic sense, to get engaged… Eclipses are famous for moving up timetables. Neptune will be nicely positioned too, indicating that you will feel inspired by this union, and if it is being done for business (say, if you are choosing an agent), your creativity will glow brighter, having formed this association.

Of course because me, the hit to my 7th house is more on the work side. Got news of a new project I’m being prepped for that will allow me to do my job with no restrictions on a “tiger team” of superstar co-workers. I’d heard about it for a couple of months now, but thought it was an indefinite thing. Turns out it’s very real, and the new work will be starting very soon.

Honestly a little disappointed that it’s hitting this area in this manner, but I suppose that’s okay…and it makes sense…

In related news..

One of my co-workers is HUGELY into Vedic Astrology. I’d asked him one day what he did for fun and he was like “you’d probably think it’s weird.” I was like waaaaat when I heard how into it he was…tons of research and even made a comprehensive website for it several years ago…enough traction to get an offer from ehar.mony for a buyout! They didn’t sell though. (This was before ehar.mony was a thing.)

I kind thought the Vedic astrology was a little off…like I’m an Aries over there where in Western I’m a Taurus.

Didn’t really put much into it…

I showed him my Vedic chart and he asked if I had trouble in relationships because my Mars in the second house shows that my “for real” relationship life would be delayed for a while…

I was like eff…until he said I’m basically an old maid at 29 so that’s already showing itself…(he’s from India).

He’d have to look closer to see how long I will be destitute though. Said he’d look into it and get back to me.

He also has a pretty high accuracy rates for guessing the DOB for babies and their sexes.

Like he’s only been wrong twice out of dozens of times kind of accuracy.

I should see what he says about my sister, lol.

But yeah…interesting stuff! I’d be interested to learn more about how Vedic is different than western…and to see if those remedies they have going on over there are really things…

Oh and lol at some compatibility things I ran just for fun…it actually was quite accurate for past relationships. Western says certain signs are perfect where it wasn’t really the case in practice…but the Vedic one was 100% accurate.



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  • November 17, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    Western says certain signs are perfect where it wasn’t really the case in practice.

    All my eye rolling and sarcasm here on the subject is finally starting to pay off!

    • November 17, 2014 at 9:09 pm

      Yeah, yeah…


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