Unique just like everyone else


F’in sucks man!

I was so spoiled about this time last year. Movies, dinner, constant fun and entertainment. It’s not like I’m too bored now with AKA keeping things at least a little lively, but still I miss the constant person there…

In related news…

Sim-me is completely accurate with real life now…funny thing is, i didn’t even script it that way…

In other news…

First social Greek outing is coming up pretty fast. The chapter is journeying to the offensive city of Athens this Friday to attend an Alpha party. (It’s only offensive because it’s UGA and you know the Tech/UGA thing is legendary). Ironically, I think Eta Xi (the AKA chapter there) is the only one Nu Beta (my chapter) is cordial with other than Mu Pi (Spelman). That’s another side effect of being from Tech, everyone hates us for some reason. It was like that with NSBE too…I wonder why…


I got a summons to serve jury duty. Thing is though that I got it about three weeks ago and I was supposed to have responded in five days. I think my next journal entry will be from a jail cell somewhere so be prepared.

Our first AKA program went off pretty well. We had about 23 people come out ..considering that it was a book club meeting, it was a pretty nice turn out for our small chapter. The book was Secrets Men Keep by “Dr.” Tiy-E Muhammad. Topics such as does size matter, short man complex, commitment, and platonic relationships were discussed. I was a little amused that no body but me wanted to speak on the size subject. People were like “really KaNisa?” lol…I was like “YEAH I LIKE EM BIG!” j/k

I honestly shouldn’t have been speaking on it at all since clearly I don’t have experience in that area, but I was just saying that scientifically, the part of sex that requires a male appendage statistically doesn’t do much for a female anyway so it didn’t matter. Besides, you can always teach a dude how to get to the treats if you know what I mean…lol O : )

Let me stop…

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