Present Day, Present Time


Ladies and gentleman, contrary to popular belief, I am not the most obsessed Sims person known to man.

So I was watching a special on the Sims on MTV2 yesterday and they some people eve nI think are crazy. One dude could play all the Sim building songs on the piano. One married someone she met while playing Sims Online. Still another finds perverse joy in finding different ways to kill her Sims. While a little bit of everyone could be found in me, I am in no way on their level of crazy. TAKE NOTE! *Tucks away Sim shrine in corner*


The ride back from Albany was pretty funny yesterday. My mother got frustrated with something and said, “well blank it!” (She literally said “blank” too). As a result, my father said she was, “weak as water.”

The fam is hosting the company Christmas party this year. Last time there was a company party, the dog ate Mr. Mars’ steak so our house was elected as po little Akanie isn’t allowed near the house anyway.

*commercial break*

Let me explain how the Mars conglomerate works. Mars. Incorporated is made up of several smaller companies. Some of the ones you may know of are:

M&M Mars– M&M’s, Snickers, Twix, Starburst, Skittles, Dove Chocolates
Masterfoods – Uncle Ben’s Rice, Combos
Kalkan (pet food) – Pedigree, WHISKAS, etc
FLAVIA coffee…

Over all of this is a man named Mars. He’s basically the CEO of the international conglomerate, yet he’s personable enough to attend people’s parties

*end commercial break*

The decorators came Saturday to do the house. Sadly it was another example of black people being unprofessional as they were supposed to come at one but didn’t show until 5 (They said they didn’t have a ride among other excuses… you know those tools of incompetence that lead to momuments…oop my bad… lol)

These ladies took two hours to put up a tree, garland on a banister, and a little setup on the fireplace. I must admit though, the tree did look cool, although the number of birds on it were a little alarming.

Once again we’re traveling to Disney World for Christmas since my sister can’t get off work. I’d really rather stay home, but if that’s the only way we can be together, then I suppose. (BTW I don’t want to sound like we’re big time over here at KaNisa’s house, sister works there so we get discounts and free stuff)

I have this whole other thing relating to my job that I wish to speak on, but this is long enough already so maybe another day…

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Unique just like everyone else


  • November 29, 2005 at 6:00 am

    Tree looks great but you know how we do!!! What shame right?

  • November 29, 2005 at 6:03 am

    By the way I just read your profile I just left Greenvill Ms last month. Went there, my people are from there I had never been what an experience!!!!!!! Well for a Jersey girl at least!


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