(Late) Midweek Observations

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So yes life has finally returned to normal. To catch up, I think it’s time for a new, yet late edition of Midweek Observations:

On wearing a line jacket in public …

Those things attract a lot of attention. At the airport yesterday, I noticed a lot of people looking at me and smiling, others looking at me with an attitude, males going out of their way to help me, younger females looking at me with admiration. It’s very interesting to see so many different interpretations of what an AKA is.

On seeing a wedding party all dressed up and preparing for the ceremony…

I threw up in my mouth a little…I know that’s kind of gross, but for some reason, when I’m stressed about someone, nausea is the feeling that person invokes until I’m at the anger phase…

On it being “the holidays”

I’m a whole month late with celebrating. There is a whole lot of making up to do. *packs away Christmas movies, CD’s and holiday themed clothes into bag to take back to school*

On my wardrobe…

Now that I can pull the pink in green out of storage, I will be rocking that stuff every day. I also noticed that I don’t have any casual clothes really…maybe I should takes some T-Shirts back with me, but at the same time, I don’t really wear t-shirts so maybe not…

On the temperature of this house…

Why is it colder inside of the house than it is outside?! That does not make sense at all. My mother says it’s the effect of hardwood floors and high ceilings, but can we put the heater on or something, dang?

On the sky at night…

During the past nine weeks, I’ve been spending a lot of time looking into the sky for various reasons. A meteor shower has been passing earth for the past couple of weeks and I’ve caught about 4 or 5 passing. Unfortunately though, none of my wishes have come true.

On it being fall semester…

For the first time, I don’t have a “sweetheart” this semester. It’s kind of weird as I’d usually being going out with one lucky male around this time of year..but given that I’ve been “busy” with AKA for almost the whole semester, I haven’t even had time to talk to anyone. Of course it’s true that one doesn’t have to have a male to complete them, but it would be nice to hang out with someone and have them pay for my dinner.

That’s all I suppose. Applications for male companion of the month should be sent to arhythmchild@gmail.com. Requirements are that you must be astheticlly pleasing with a great sense of humor and a nice smile. If you pass the trial period, you may be kept for an extended amount of time. Thank you, and have a nice day.

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1 Comment

  • November 27, 2005 at 1:49 pm

    You bring back so many memories to me. I remember for the first year after I crossed, I wore my line jacket if there was the slightest wind blowing. I was constantly getting shirts made. Hmmm. Now that it’s been 7 freaking years since I crossed, I can’t think of the last time I wore paraphenalia. Man I miss college.


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