Skeee- Weee!

1 Comment

I got my Pearls
(I got my Pearls)
I got my Pearls
(I got my Pearls)
And I’m proud to tell the world I got my Pearls.

Day and night, night and day
we work hard for AKA
And I’m proud to finally say
I got my Perals.

20 pearls, 20 pearls
Represent the Alpha girls
And I’m proud to tell the world
I got my Pearls.

I got my Pearls
(I got my Pearls)
I got my Pearls
(I got my Pearls)
And I’m proud to tell the world I got my Pearls.

#3 Carpe Deim
Veni, Vidi, Vici
November 23, 2005

And now back to regularly sceduled programming right after I sleep for about a year…

BTW, my cell is broken so if you need to contact me, use facebook, email, aim or yahoo.

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(Late) Midweek Observations

1 Comment

  • November 27, 2005 at 3:32 am

    Congratulations on your crossing, sweetie!!! I know that you’re SO excited right now…but um…PLEASE don’t change your template to that God-awful pink&green. Xquizzyt’s template is bad enough! LOL!!! :-) j/k


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