It’s about to be ooooon


Mr. Walton, oh yeah I’m calling you out, is a ugly, mean ole stinger driver. The kind who would look right at you struggling to get to the bus stop and drive on!

So this afternoon, I’m rushing to get ready as I have ten minutes to get across campus. I usually take the green route round because it drops me closer to my building, but it’d already passed. The original plan was to walk and catch the trolley, but as I was making my way to the stop, I saw the Blue Route approaching.

“Great,” I thought, “I’ll just catch that!”

I jogged up to the stop. The driver WATCHED me jog up to the stop. He even STARTED TO DRIVE AROUND ME. Then at the last minute, he opened the door and let me and someone who’d just walked up on.

I shook my fist at him as I passed. He said, “I won’t stop for anyone that isn’t already at the bus stop. You need to be there when I get there.

And I said, “Crotchety old man, I watched you drive around campus [via an online bus racking system] your old ass-phalt was going about two miles an hour! You got lapped! TWICE! By other busses on your own route! [Okay not really, but he might as well have been].

“Why do you have 50 keys on your keychain anyway? Do you moonlight as a janitor? Do you collect them because they’re shiny? Perhaps you get some kind of sexual pleasure from the tinkling sound they make. Maybe you like the word ‘tinkle’. Maybe it reminds you of “golden showers.” Maybe you’re actually R Kelly in a fat suit.”

[of course I don’t have to tell you I didn’t say all that]

That WAS really wrong though Mr. Walton. You really hurt my feelings. And I always say thank you when I see you too…don’t be a hater.

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