Christmastime is Here


So it’s Christmastime according to the retail people.

It’s said that they’re starting a lot of Christmas marketing early because people are projected to run out of money during the regular shopping time.

For me though, Christmas celebration usually starts around Halloween. It’s a gradual process:

Late October/Early November:
Starting to refrain from skipping Christmas songs when they start to play on Real Player.

Mid/Late November:
Begin rooting through boxes for Christmas movies
Watch one Christmas movie per week (like the less popular ones like Little Drummer Boy or The Cabbage Patch Kids Christmas (upshut)

Early December:
Two movies per week Decorations! Christmas Desktops! Cinnamon candles! Cookies! Holiday Koolaid!

Usually burned out by now, lol

Favorite Movies
1. A Christmas Story
2. Home Alone
3. The Santa Clause
4. Jingle All the Way

Favorite Songs
1. John Williams’s score for Home Alone (Especially the song Christmas Star…it’ll be on Radio KaNisa after a while)
2. White Christmas (The Dells Version)
3. The whole Kenny G Miracles Album…and the Faith one as well
4. Carol of the Bells

Favorite Rituals
1. Christmas Movies/shows
2. Decorating the House
3. Putting up lights
4. Food (Ham! Popcorn Balls! Mother’s homemade yeast rolls! Holiday Koolaid!)

I know when I get older I’ll be like Joan on Girlfriends with the Christmas spirt. I love having the idea of holiday parties and going caroling and stuff.

I remember freshman year, I had my own little celebration. About 6 or seven people and I went to Lennox and pretended we were actually going to buy stuff. I remember it was kind of funny b/c went into a furniture store and was like oh yeah, this is my living room/kitchen/dining room/bedroom and the sales lady was like, go away black children, lol…

After our little outing, we went back to my place (or at least the lounge on my floor of the dorm) and watched music videos while I made pies and popcorn the old fashion way. Then we watched a Christmas Story. The whole experience was very pleasant and I tried to make it a yearly thing, but people are lame so….


I kind of fell out of touch with all those people after freshman year and then I got a playmate last Christmastime so I guess that was my bad…

OH GOSH I feel so young, and yet so old at the same time…freshman year seem like forever ago…

But I digress…

So yeah that’s my yearly Christmas celebration schedule. I think I’ll shift everything down a month so I’ll have some spirit for the actual holiday…

Oh and FYI, here’s the recipe for the holiday Koolaid I keep mentioning:
1 pkg. cherry Koolaid
1 pkg. strawberry Koolaid1 (46 oz.)
orange juice1 46 oz.)
pineapple juiceSugarMix Koolaid and juice.

Add sugar to taste…lol

(In my family, holiday koolaid = summer dixie cup solution. It’s so saturated with sugar, there’s about a cup in the bottom after it sits for about five minutes, lol. I maintain that it tastes best that way though, LOL.)

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