Wednesday Madness


Interesting day so far…

I don’t usually walk in a very alert manner so I was a little startled today when a Georgia Tech facilities dude was like, “walk with your head up brewfull.” I suppose that brewfull means beautiful, but even still dude was being too nice. I feel like poo today…

Was still funny though…


In other news…

I was attacked by an eyeball gnome (migraine) today. Fortunately, it didn’t last too long though which was a blessing because I’m out of Imetrex. I had moment to find a quiet dark place and braved it for a while. It SUCKS to have those though for real…it’s been about 9 hours and it’s still lingering. A couple more hours and I’ll be able to eat…

African American history teacher was on the prowl again yesterday. This time she told us that anyone who buys Aunt Jemima Pancake mix will not receive an A in her class. She also had the same punishment for Uncle Ben’s rice. She was like, “have you seen Uncle Ben? He ain’t cha uncle!”

LOL Crazy lady but I love her…

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