One last entry

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Have to catch up since I haven’t written too much lately so I guess I’ll write one more today…

Sometimes I wish this blog was actually anonymous…too many people I know read this. There’s a lot of stuff I want to talk about, but I kind of like my “good girl oh she’s so sweet and innocent” persona.

…maybe I’ll have another blog where I can actually be candied…

It’s like, a lot of people have HOB (Hand on booty © brown suga 2005) entries lately, and I kind of want to reveal my own HOB details…I want to be like, “YEAH I DID IT! AND I LIKED IT! HECK I’LL EVEN DO IT AGAIN! ALL DAY LONG! 24/7!!!”

But silly me and my need to be known as sweet, innocent KaNisa…

Hmm…I wonder how much I revealed about myself by even saying that, lol…

In other news…

I KaNisa [insert last name here] am bougise (if you haven’t noticed already.) Maybe I’ll say why later, but as of right now, it is nap time.


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Today was booty.
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Game Shows

1 Comment

  • September 19, 2005 at 4:16 pm
    Brown Shuga

    Look at you girl! Wanting to give some HOB(c) details but can’t do it. Free yourself girl! Free yourself! I was looking at my page and noticed that I had an incoming link from your page. Hey…thanks for the “shoutout.” Well…I wouldn’t say “shout out.” It was more of an acknowledgement. *smile* So…thanks for the acknowledgement!


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