The First Leaf of Autumn


I’m eleven days early on the first day of autumn but it feels like it to me and I needed a break from studying therefore…

Don’t know if I like this yellowish background…we’ll see.

I’ve been going through creative withdrawal though for real. This layout is the first non mandatory creation I’ve made in at least a month! I’ve got a lot of ideas too, just no time to actually make them…

kind of sad about that…

Autumn is is my favorite time of the year though. I love the cooler temperatures, the smell of burning fireplaces…Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas…football…

The inspiration for the graphic actually stemmed from a series of Goo Goo Dolls songs that were playing (specifically they were Black Balloon, Iris, and Name)…it reminded me of high school when I was really into Alternative music ( a result of being one of 5 black people at a 6-12 grade private school). It was a time of going to football games, watching our team storm the competition, winning the triple crown with football, basketball, and baseball…

I guess that was one of my positive experiences with my father. We went to every football game home and away no matter how far it was. I don’t even remember us talking or anything during those trips, but I know there was some bonding going on. It’s weird, that’s really the only bonding experience I can remember…

I kind of miss high school though. It was lame while I was there, but things were so simple then, lol…

And I think the music of that time was better too. What’s really going on with that anyway?

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