Dis aint nothin but da devil!


It never fails…

You dress up and look nice for a day of classes thinking, “oh yeah, look at me and my bad self, you like this don’t cha…” and it is all ruined by a humiliating moment when your flaws from yesteryear make themselves apparent…

So I was trying to waste time after finishing a test early and I thought I would walk over to the student center for some cookie dough ice cream. As I was making my way there, I was reviewing a story that would be discussed in my next class just so I’d be prepared and to avoid the random solicitations from various clubs. Occasionally I would look up to see where I was going and everything but I wasn’t in any hurry so I was going at a slow “joy walking” pace…

Then I came to some steps.

I was perfectly aware of them and gracefully descended, allowing all to see how I can multi-task reading and looking elusive, intelligent, ravishing…


I missed a step…
…and crashed quite suddenly to the ground.

Luckily I only had one more stair to go, so not too far to travel…and luckily I didn’t see any other black people around who would run over laugh and point at me…only one person noticed and she was like, “OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!”

I told her that I was, and that only my pride was hurt…

Moral of the story:
Don’t think to highly of yourself or try be someone you’re not. You WILL be regulated REAL quick…

Oh and new recurring motif…I guess it isn’t really necessary, but I kind of like leaving inside jokes/cryptic messages so…

Cryptic Message of the moment…
I feel that I have become a casualty in the challenging developments of a friend…lol

That is all.

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Idle Hands…
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And So it is Health: The truth about Migraines


  • September 9, 2005 at 5:25 am

    Finally! The real KaNisa I have come to know and love! You haven’t had any embarassing moments of that degree in a while…LOL. Yes you are lucky there were no other black people around. But just know this,I wouldn’t have laughed at you.

  • September 9, 2005 at 2:51 pm

    Hey, just another question about streaming music. Can you only do that if you use ftp or can you use it directly in blogger. If you can, can just just tell me where?



  • September 9, 2005 at 3:14 pm

    hey, baby girl…just thought i’d stop by and check on you…

    sorry to hear about the fall…but…like mcclurkin says…we fall down…but…we get back up again…


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