Idle Hands…


Alright so that last entry wasn’t about anything. Sorry I was bored.

Now I’m in class and I’m bored once again. I think this is the most boring class known to man, which is sad as it’s something I’m supposed to be interested in.

Looking around, I see 2 people browsing the internet.
1 guy listening to his ipod

Oh wait she’s asking a question, might get interesting…

…Just kidding

2 people writing notes back and forth.
2 having conversations on their cell phones
5 staring blankly ahead…

How very sad…I don’t think anyone is paying attention.

The premise of this class isn’t so bad, learning about the history of media and it’s effects on society. But she just goes on and on with her lectures and it’s not engaging at all…I don’t even bother taking notes anymore, especially since we don’t have tests or anything. I swear I’m about to covertly slither out of my desk and into the hallway.

I don’t think she’ll notice, do you?

23 minutes left…what else will take up time…

I’ve seen about 12 hours of Girlfriends in the past few days and in that time, one line said by Lynn is about the only thing that was memorable.

“The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.”

That’s an interesting statement isn’t it? Let’s explore.

When you fall out of love with someone, how do you feel about them? Some people are angry, or hurt, or sad…but that’s still feeling something isn’t it? That’s not indifference.

What’s indifference?

“apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions …a casual lack of concern”

Is it really possible to “have a casual lack of concern” for someone you once loved?

I’m sure most people will be quick to be like “YUP!”

But think about it really, if you’re like:

“he/she isn’t worth anything anyway…I can’t believe I spent my life…” or “I’m not worried about him/her that ho can give it up to whoever he/she wants (even though you secrectly consider any partners they have after you will never be better than you)” or even “he/she did me wrong, I hope they get what’s coming to them…”

Then guess what, that’s not indifference.

So what then? Is it safe to say that once you love someone, you will never be completely rid of your feelings for them? And I don’t mean love for the time being, I mean when you have a emotional connection with someone and all that.

I thought about my past relationships and I think….

Ooop class is over!


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