
1 Comment

(sing to the tune of that nasty I ain’t got no panties on, on the dance floor song)

I got all my people back,
Got all my people back,
I got all my people back,
On the dance floor.

I’ve heard from all my favorite people this weekend… and… I don’t know. I’m just happier than I’ve been in a long time…

Life is on the up and up! :)

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Ready, Set, Consume!
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Monday Madness

1 Comment

  • September 6, 2005 at 4:32 am

    hey, nice blog, i was just wondering how you get the music thing to play on your blog? also how you get a link directly to your yahoo name?

    check out my blog at

    if you can just try to explain how you do it in a comment section, thanks.

    nice song selection by the way



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