Month Ahead…


…for Taurus :

Wake-up calls don’t have to be painful: they can be wonderful, so prepare for a month of adventure and discovery. And although April’s events might not change your life they’ll certainly give you plenty to think about. Travelling to an unfamiliar place could inspire thoughts of moving home or meetings and discussions with new people could expand your professional and personal horizons. All of which is great and good. Your only problem is dealing with changes to plans and accepting bolts from the blue, very possibly delivered by someone close to you. Try to put in some early nights during the first half of the month: not only will this recharge your batteries so that you’ll be at the top of your game for Easter but your unconscious mind will be able to reveal all sorts of insights that you can act on. And speaking of Easter – whether you have arrangements set in stone or you are taking it as it comes, expect a surprise or two.

Spot. On. (She JUST posted this too after all the recent happenings!)

Check yours!


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