Blog Reactions


I know I’m dwelling on this but just wanted to point to a few blogs…

Brutha Code’s American Way

It course it starts in the usual BC way:
“Leave it up to the one hurricane with a Black-ass name to come and fuck shit up somethin’ serious. It couldn’t have been Hurricane Becky or Bob or Chuck. It had to be Katrina… and you and I both know that anytime the first syllable of a name starts with Wa- or Ka- or La-, then 9 times out of 10, that’s a Black-ass name for a Black-ass person…”

he articulates the American Way very well later on, I promise, lol…

Xquizzyt1’s I Tried, I Really Tried

Defintely identifiable. It’s hard to not blog about what’s going on…

Kajuana’s Would I Make it?

She explores how show would react if she were a citizen of New Orleans. Would desparate situations drive you to do things you wouldn’t normally do in order to survive?

Michael Moore’s Letter to the President

The voice of America speaks….

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