The weekend


Note: Radio KaNisa is functional now

What was good about this weekend?

Friday was pretty entertaining. The NPHC barbecue was happening and as usual there were a bunch of black people I’ve never seen before in life. Supposedly, many were from other schools.

BTW, why are males so rude? People were actually turning and looking right in my face, and not even saying anything! That is so rude! It made me feel dirty. Especially since none of them were cute, LOL.

I guess people thought I was a snob or something though, I know I had a standoffish air about me…you know when you have this awareness that you don’t really want to talk to anyone and you can tell people can tell that about you…

The whole event was especially interesting because it was scheduled an hour before a housing sponsored barbecue. Of course that means the events started at the same time since you have to account for CP time…but it was kind of funny because there were so many black people, I guess it was intimidating for others to come around. The non-black people would walk by the area a couple of times then come back in a big group to get in line.

I’m sure the explicit rap music helped the situation…lol

After that, it got kind of hot so I went back to my room to cool out. I was trying to find something to do for that night as I was determined not to be sad and be in my room all weekend…had a couple of date requests, but I didn’t really feel like doing something like that all willy nilly, so person two I was sad about from a few entries back came by and we and another roommate went to see School Daze at the student center.

Of course I’ve seen it a million times, but it’s always fun to watch with people who have never seen it before, and then others who have also seen it as much as you have. You’d think it was a sing along in there, people were getting up dancing to that “I don’t want to be alone tonite” song and just carrying on…It was great.

“I don’t care if she’s blind, fat, no teeth, one leg in a kickstand…”


Yeah so Friday was pretty fun. Saturday was just doing hair and homework…

Sunday, more homework, and NSBE is showing the VMA’s in the student center. I could really care less about who will win a VMA, but I have nothing better to do and it’ll probably be amusing so…

…and there will be free food…so I guess I’ll go.

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