BP Issues…


So there was this big discussion on bp about a former government funded program that promoted abstinence among teenagers.

My opinion on the subject is that only parents should be teaching their children how to live. People always try to point the finger at tevelsion, video games, computers, and everything else when someting goes wrong instead of taking responisibty for their own. I think those things may have a factor in how children behave, but if you raise them a certain way, they would have sense enough to recognize something for what it is and be independent enough to not be swayed by what’s deemed “nomal” by society.

Despite this, I would support a sex-ed program if it was more comprehensive than just promoting safe sex. I think programs should address every aspect of a sexual encounter, I’m talking physical, emotional, even physiological. What is actually stimulated during sexual intercourse. What chemical reactions in the cause someone become aroused? What happens in the brain when two people are sexually involved with one another?What happens when that bond is cut off?

Here’s a show that should be more popular. It addresses question like these.

There is so much more going on then the actual pleasure a human gets from sex. I think if more people are aware of what’s going on within their bodies, they’d be less inclined to participate as often, or at least they’ll be more discerning of the people they choose to get involved with.

As usual though, people turned it into an abstinence vs. non-abstinence “you’re a religious fanatic because you abstain/you’re going to hell because you have sex” argument and wow some people are…well let me just share some comments with you:

“so let me get this straight as to what some on this forum are saying… God gives humans this powerful sex drive that rages at puberty and demands to be satiated and continues to permeate much of our life… then God says, “but if u do it, that’s a sin.” yeah. umm. what kinda sadistic child cruelty is that? is God a practical joker? does he get a kick outta watching us squirm…maybe the sex drive is so high for a reason. like we’re supposed to friggin USE IT?!?

not saying man the human animal can’t also be man the moral animal, but i never understood why our moral selves have to be constantly at war with our physical selves. seems quite a waste of time. betcha 10 to 1 that no matter what man-made texts, holy figures or gurus say on the matter, that unless He, She or It is *really* a sadist, that idea/being people call “God” would agree.”

If you haven’t guessed, this is a male opinion. Of course he couldn’t write this and get away with it…here’s what some others said:

“It’s people with your mentality, who are incapable of functioning with any level of self control, who have carried this culture to the place it currently rests.

Yes, our God given physical capacity (how much more pleasant to call it what it is, rather than refer to it as “animalistic instinct” – then again ,people who behave as animals can’t be expected to understand much beyond that) is a powerful force, with divine purpose. We are designed to use sex as the pinnacle of love’s expression for our spouse, and for that person alone …

…I pray for God’s mercy to rest on you, because you are clearly in no condition to be left to your own devices.”

*snap, snap and head wiggle*

another opinion.

“What many tend to disregard is that the sex drive that is given to us by God…is meant to be used for reproducing HIS people. It’s very understandable that individuals are confused about this because many fail to pick up the BIBLE and ACTUALLY read and research certain subjects such as this. It is NO FAULT of God..that humans can’t sacrifice their worldly ways to uplift HIM. So all of these NEGATIVE VIBES being thrown are ridiculous…if people stop thinking about SELF…and think about GOD…they won’t find themselves being SO TEMPTED..to want to have SEX. That’s SELF issue..not a GOD issue! Deal with it!”

Alright then!

Part three of the chronicles coming shortly

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Part III “ :Why I choose to abstain


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