Musings on Ma Tech


Note: New book on excerpts

Was looking up statistics on Tech today…

(didn’t really set out to, I happened to log on to AOL and it was talking about non-traditional college rankings…wanted to see were my school was)

Here are some interesting stats:

female population: 28%
(the odds are good, but the goods are odd.. More on that in a minute)
African American population: 7%
Total Applicants Accepted: 70%
(I always believed that it was somewhat easy to get in…the tough part is staying here and maintaining the high scholastic caliber you came in with)

And here’s something that’s really interesting:

Freshman graduating in 4 years: 26%
Freshman graduating in 6 years: 72%

Rankings (out of 361)
Rare Class Discussions #1
Professors Get Low Marks #4
Professors make themselves scarce #20
Campus is Tiny, Unsightly, or Both #15
Dorms Like Dungeons #17
Least Happy Students #17

We’ve been improving over the last couple of years!

Special academic facilities/equipment:
Oceanography Institute, Nuclear Research Center, Nuclear Reactor, Electron Microscope. What? I didn’t know about any of that! I want to see the electron microscope…and the nuclear reactor (ack! run away! no wonder why everyone walks around here looking half dead, lol)…and there’s an oceanography institute here?!?!

So about this odds thing…

It was especially noticeable in my Sci Fi class today. There were about 38 people, and I believe it was an accurate portrayal of Tech population.
30% were the weird deformed head/khaki cargo pants/white off-brand tennis shoes with glasses/my voice sounds like a pompous “I’m going to grow up to be an obnoxious talk radio personality” type male.
Another 30% were the “from the country so you can’t understand what I’m saying”/I drink a lot out of plastic dixie cups (red or clear)/I wear a confederate flag on the back of my Dixieland pride t-shirt/frat boy sector of Tech maledom.
10% were gay.
15% were girls.
10% were the normal somewhat cool white male, and
5% were black males.

I don’t want to be mean, so I won’t break down the black males…but I can honestly say I only know of a few that are seriously considerable according to the stipulations made a while back. Haven’t met everyone…but few out of 8,174.88 males sounds pretty bad to me…

Maybe my standards are kind of high, lol

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