Bouncing back


What a day today has been!

I guess I shouldn’t even need to write anything given that I wrote the last two entries in the last 24 hours or so…but when the going gets tough, the pseudo tough pretend they’re hard until it all hits the fan. I have to say, such a negative tone prevailed today. It was raining, I felt emotionally drained and just tired from everything that’s happened…was in don’t talk to me mode all day. Eyes all swollen…it was pretty terrible. I feel much better now though, thanks for looking out…

For the first time in forever I didn’t have anything pink or green on my person today. Not even a key chain. I decided to limit the color/nalia wearing to once a week, and I’ve removed a lot of nalia from my room, save a homemade candy dish for provisions…trying to make my room my own little sanctuary I guess. I would have plants, but they like to keep it 100+ degrees in this apartment…my poor Ivy is barely holding on…

Busy as usual classes, meetings, etc, but I made some time to do something fun. As per custom, the Def Poet Jam people gave a free show at the student center. Made me remember the time when hip hop was that conscious. (Radio KaNisa is playing old school hip hop now btw, sorry about my lack of updating that). I know I’m young, but I do remember NWA, De La Soul, Public Enemy, Ghetto Boyz, and the time before Dr. Dre was making family movies. Oh for the days before this “booty butt cheeks” nonsense…

”Damn, Damn, Damn…James!”

Decided to go to NSBE Convention in Pittsburg…yet again it’s in a random place no really wants to go to. I remember saying I’d never go again last year just because it’s so engineers will rule the world one day and everyone else isn’t worth anything…

Okay, well not really, but since they voted that those with affiliate status couldn’t run for regional positions, I got a bit upset and swore off NSBE forever…(was running for regional telecommunications)

…and somehow got roped into being their telecommunications chair again…

Oh well though. Since two roommates are going, at least I’ll know some people this time round.

Yeah…obviously this entry is about nothing….

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Idiot females


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