Act your age


Alright so here we go with some back to school photos. This will be in two parts.

1.) Everyday schoolwear
2.) You know you want this…(lamo)

Everyday Schoolwear

I don’t think this one helps the fact that I look 12, but I like those kind of skirts. They’re light and airy and summery and all that…it’s cool that all the retro stuff is coming back in style. Wish my mother kept her clothes from back then…

This one is a little businessy. I think it’s a little too hot to wear though given that the shirt is a turtleneck, but the fabric is thin and a little transparent so maybe it’ll work in a few weeks. Lots of slack/shirt combinations will be displayed this fall…

Wow, the camera really does add ten pounds… Anyway though, I think this outfit my be used as my first day of class-wear. Gotta look a little more than decent on those first couple of days you know, never know who you might see…

You know you want this

Note: These dresses have been altered by my impressive sewing skills. I think I’ll take it out a little on that white one though…that thing is showing ere’thang I got, LOL

The prophetic black dress from that attic. I’ve actually never worn it before…where WOULD you wear a dress like this?!

To a club?
No…the thing is too short. People have some sneaky hands.

To a nice bar?
Maybe, but not really old enough to get into one.

On a date?
Um, no, unless we’re going somewhere nice…

LOL I’ll probably just wear it around the apartment and think to myself “go on with yo bad self” whenever I come accross a mirror.

Now this dress is one that I’ve had for a while. It was a birthday present for myself on my 19th. I’ve only worn it once, April 22, 2004.

As most things are from Venus Swimwear, it was too big, I didn’t quite have anything to fill the dress out so I just never wore it.

I think I’m coming up with a new motto, “if it doesn’t fit right, use some thread and get it tight!” Well of course I mean “tight” in the ebonic reference to the word…but..yeah. To be honest though, I think the dress is a little too tight…but it accentuates what I have so…

Alright then. I think these style suit a 20 year old…

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