Busy Nothings and Neighborhood Vigilantes


Putting around the house in these last few days of 2013…

Groupon Scramble

I had 2 groupons for Glamour Shots from a few months ago…hadn’t used them or even scheduled them.

They expire in Feb so I thought I’d get on the ball…scheduled the boudoir one (!)..don’t think I’ll have time to use the other so I’m going to give it away.

A lot of nervous, but I thought it might be something different…just to help with the whole confidence about how I look thing.

I have to pick 3 outfits…I know they’re supposed to be secsy, but…me…so I think one will be my Aveline costume since I haven’t taken pictures with it yet, one will be something incorporating this shirt I just ordered :

(Except mine is white with black text)

And I don’t know about the third thing…the lady suggested lingerie, but I was like.


I have a month to figure it out though.

And a month to put on 10 pounds…

New Years Eve Plans

NYE is probably my least favorite holiday…

As a kid, we gathered and drank this at midnight while watching the ball drop (THE BALL DROPPING AND THE YEAR FLASHING AT THE BOTTOM CREEPED ME OUT!)

As an adult, it always turned out that I spent it alone. The one time I was dating someone and they were in town (literally blocks away), they weren’t around for the changing of the year. He didn’t know it was NYE(?!?)

This year, I’m hanging out with my new girlfriends I’ve been getting to know this fall.

We are supposed to each bring a movie to watch. I’m gonna try to force Unbowed on someone one more time…I think they’ll appreciate it though.

Last time I tried to suggest it with other people, they clowned me for it…


I’m becoming more social! Aren’t you proud?

The hood is taking matters into their own hands

We’ve had a lot of break-ins in the hood recently. Most recent event was a few days ago.

It happened in broad daylight…they broke in while the owners were WALKING THEIR DOG!

Ruthless man…

The boldness of trying in broad daylight in a well traveled neighborhood…on a house with CAMERAS bit them in the butt though.

They got good photos of the people and cars involved…

And today…

My neighbor chased down the car…in an actual car chase. The guy wrecked and neighbor caught him and beat the breaks off him.

Dude was probably a juvi too…

I almost wonder if the N word was mentioned…

But it is a little ridiculous how often we’re getting robbed. I know it’s a peril of living in an in-town transitional neighborhood…and for the most part the crime is simply theft and burglary and not murder or rape or anything…but it’s still a little scary.

I got robbed in my old condo and you feel so violated…like they were WATCHING you and knew when you wouldn’t be home…

The idea that someone is probably doing that to me now since we’ve had probably 7 or 8 break ins in the last month…

I’m not ready to kill someone, and they are just taking stuff but…what would I do if I was home and people tried to get in?

I’d be PISSED that they would, but I’m not about to hide in my closet either…

Do they make tranquilizer guns?

If neighbors are starting to get more physical, will the robbers start coming with guns themselves?

One neighbor put this on his window :

I get it but ehh….

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