Who (and what) I be! 23 and me DNA results


Man I’m mad they didn’t send an email…

I just happened to click in to see what the progress was and saw my results were ready!

Highlights :

84.2% Sub-Saharan Africa
13.1% European
1.4 East Asian & Native American

At first I thought the European part was large (the identifiable portions are Irish btw), but then I googled around and found that it isn’t after all. A lot of other Black people seemed to have 25-30% that I saw.

Heath Risks
Increased risk for Atrial Fibrillation and Breast Cancer.

The Atrial Fibrillation one was 26.4 based on the average risk of 15.9. (Yipes!)
Breast cancer was 17.3 with the average risk of 13.5.

Drug Response
Increased sensitivity to Warfarin (anticoagulant) and Phenytoin (Epilepsy Drug)…and Sulfonyluria Drug Clearance (Type 2 Diabetes Treatment) doesn’t work as well.


  • Bitter taste perception (THERE’S A SCIENTIFIC REASON WHY I DON’T LIKE VEGGIES! Likely inherited from Daddy.)
  • Lactose Intolerant
  • Sprinter Muscle performance
  • Not resistant to stomach viruses
  • Slightly higher IQ
  • Slightly less growth during adolescence
  • If I wasn’t Black, I’d have red hair and blue eyes.
  • Resistant to P.vivax malaria
  • Special food diets have no effect on weight loss. Good old fashioned exercise only
  • Higher chance of contracting TB if exposed
  • Slightly increased episodic memory
  • Increased sensitivity to pain

Interesting stuff! It predicted a lot of phenotype like my hair color and curl, eye color, height, being myopic, being thin, low birth weight, liking sweet food…

You can export your raw data and look up info in other databases as well! Can’t wait to dig in!

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  • October 28, 2013 at 2:28 am

    Is it possible, then, that with the right partner, your children could have red hair and/or blue eyes?

    You’re brave. Aren’t you worried you might find out something horrible, like you have 24 hours to live and they should have told you that yesterday?

    • October 28, 2013 at 2:46 am

      I suppose so on the red hair blue eyes thing! I kinda thought that not EVERY Black person had racial mixing from slave days…but maybe most do after all. My dad had light eyes when he was younger…but just light brown.

      Also the family illnesses are pretty known so no surprises there.

      The only truly unexpected part was the low Native percentage. Willing to bet that my aunts daughters in my generation have more since our identified ancestor is female and it would have been passed through mtdna on the x chromosome. Daddy got y from my grandfather who had a full blooded grandmother…so…that 1.4% is either from somewhere else or is a fluke.

      That bloodline is also evident in the phenotype of those cousins and their moms…most of my aunts on my Dad’s side all have a silkier grade of hair as well as a lighter skin tone. Really cool how that works!


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