Interesting Weekend…


Last Friday night…

Neighbor held a meet and greet for the new residents.

I was the only new resident that showed up…the others were a pretty close knit group…

A VERY close knit group.

I don’t know..

In my head, I feel like I’m not quite an adult yet. I feel like adults are mature and drink wine and talk about golf and home decorating or something…

This group of adults…27-46…talked about pen1ses, relations, and watched instructional videos for pen1s pumps on the big screen…with a real life pen1s.

. . .

I kid you not.

Not sure if they were trying to “jump” me into their group by being shocking or if this was a normal occurrence…

It was also obvious they weren’t used to being around a Black person.

Didn’t offend me, but I am now a little weary of their neighborhood halloween party…

And am also almost sure they would have offended most of the new neighbors that moved in with my builder…

We’ll see how that turns out.

Nice people though!

Book Bingeing

Read 12 a Sl.ave last week…and started into the Ender.’s Quintet this weekend.

Inhaled the first book in a few hours! It was sooo good!

The movie for it comes out Nov 1…and like Hunger Games, I wonder how well it will translate.

I already noticed they aged up the main character a year or 6…

I feel like doing that dilutes some of the themes of the book…but maybe it’ll still be good.

Started into En.der’s Shadow and will probably stop there as I’ve heard the others kinda ruin it…

Here’s the trailer.

But the book is awesome though! Check it out!

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  • October 22, 2013 at 12:16 am

    At the neighborhood meet & greet though?! 0_o That’s just strange.

    • October 22, 2013 at 12:27 am

      I don’t understand. It was watched twice too…

  • October 22, 2013 at 1:11 pm

    Uh, they are a swinging group. Sorry.

    • October 22, 2013 at 2:44 pm

      I didn’t want to think that, but now that you point it out, they just might be.

      One woman while talking to me was like, “you know, you’re really pretty.” I was like “thanks?” It reminded me of that one part of Mean Girls.

      Then there was this one part when I was sitting at the kitchen counter and all the husbands were around. We were talking about techie geek stuff. The women were off in smaller groups talking to each other. Then they all came over and mentioned how they were watching me politely turn down the whiskey one of the husbands tried to get me to try and how they thought that was funny. (Why they watching me like that?)

      Then the women went outside and asked me to join them. While outside, they talked about the pump video and talked about whether or not that was a normal size. Then they all kind of mentioned how much they experience they had in that area….there was silence when it came around to me, lol…

      The wives also jokingly called each other “wife”.

      Nice people, but if they are, not about that life….also wonder if anyone else was even invited…


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