What else is new?


Saw an ortho-tri-cyclen commercial.

I always liked their little mascot, so I thought I’d make my own version. The creative burst yielded a whole new template design. I wanted some arms to go on her, but those pictures weren’t working out…

Today was okay I guess…

I woke up around noon so I could hound the bursar’s office about getting my registration holds released. It took about three hours to get everything straightened out due to no one ever being in the office, but everything is finally resolved.

Here are the classes I’m taking:

African American Studies to 1865
Science Fiction
History of Art
Science, Technology, and International Affairs
Introduction to Media Studies
Women and Public Policy

A whopping eighteen hours. This girl is trying to be out ON TIME if at all possible, 18 hours every semester until the end! I’m kind of mad that most of my major classes are always full of engineers trying to get their humanities requirements, but that’s alright for now. I wanted to get the BS core requirements out of the way anyway.

Other than school things, I also went to dinner with my parents. This place was called “nuttun fancy” and was located in this shack way out in the boonies. I was a bit concerned since we were the only black people in there and the median age was about 80… If anyone tried anything, I was going to say that we’d just come back from the Caribbean and that we’d gotten really deep tans.

It was alright though. Although the place was true to its name, the food was really good. Ironically, there was no Georgia ‘nalia to be seen! In a place like that, you’d think they’d be decked out in red and black for sure, but we were seated under a Georgia Tech plaque that was autographed by the 2004-2005 football team. Of course it probably wasn’t worth anything because, WE SUCKED, but it was the “principality of the situation.”

I also learned that the owners of Victoria’s Secret live in Albany. We passed their estate on the way out to “hick café.” Kind of wired that they would choose this place of all the locations in the world though.

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Bi-polar days…
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It came around


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