Can You Stand the Rain?


Yeah this is mostly going to be random.

This weather is SO fall man! It’s actually chilly outside! Not even 70 degrees! Blow wind blow!!!

Scumbag brain trolls…brain


Both a good and bad thing about my brain is that it keeps me honest. If there’s something I need to do, I have crazy dreams until it’s completed. Recently been spinning trying to figure out how to make relative links work properly in SharePoint Master Pages (the regular way doesn’t work due to crazy permissions and the random places they want me to put supporting files). Been battling that for a week or two between server availability and other things…finally got that resolved Monday.

Also had to write a proposal for a new client opportunity. Since it’s mostly just my capability, I had to write the whole thing. Luckily I had a lot of other infographics and text already written…but it was on my mind to get done.

As a result, my brain rewarded me by giving 2 nights of lucid dreams with you know who! And he didn’t even shift into a random this time!

Chicka bow wow!

(My dreams are otherwise “nightmares” like the one referenced above.)

I don’t know how long this will last though. Other things on my brain :

  • Annual career self-assessment due soon
  • Not sure if I’ll be assigned to write other people’s assessments yet. Got a few in the last cycle
  • A few of the blinds are too short actually…the replacements came in yesterday. Gotta install those.
  • I have TONS of boxes I need to get rid of from all the stuff I’ve ordered and leftover moving boxes. Not sure what to do with them. They’re cluttering up my space. *Biggest annoyance right now!*
  • Need to start on the outside of the house. have to send a letter to the HOA for permission.
  • Planning to get crushed marble rock…like 50 bags. Pick out about 20 more bushes, plant them, lay down tarp to manage weeds, rocks on top
  • Signed up for Tru Green, but haven’t heard from them yet…no email or call…
  • Need to sand down and re-stain my old bedroom set and get new fixtures for the drawers. Also want to make a headboard like this:
  • Going to decorate the guest room with African stuff I’ve collected…and depending on my DNA results (will talk about that shortly) will also include tribal stuff. Guestroom will be the heritage room that represents my ancestors.
  • Need to think more about my office/girl cave.
  • Heading to Garden Ridge this weekend to pick up Halloween deco
  • Need grocery for eating purposes…

But yeah. This is why I can’t enjoy life, lol…having a list 538 things to do in my head and my brain won’t let me be lazy about it.

Back to the DNA thing…saw this :

I’ve done the African Ancestry one before and that was cool. Now more curious to see what else is in those strands. I’m pretty sure I know about the diseases that run in the family already, but would be cool to have it spelled out along with other information like allergies, ethnic makeup, etc.

I’ll be sure to report back when I find out.

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