

That’s interesting.

Someone was talking about how they had no visibility into the process of buying a house.

I was about to agree for myself, but then remembered that I actually HAVE had a good amount.

You never really come to appreciate your parents until later in life. At the time, things are annoying and you’re like “whatever” or “boo”…

But all that stuff had a purpose!

I remember that I’ve been to the closings of pretty much all of the homes the family has lived in.

In fact, the whole family was at each one, or at least whoever was living at home (sisters at college situations).

That’s kinda cool.

We also got to be involved in house hunting. I remember reading an article about how it’s a faux pas to bring your kids to showings…

Really appreciate that my parents let us go…and even made us feel like we had a say in the decision.

Especially with the last move to Georgia…I was 16 at the time and loved watching like Trading Spaces or something on TLC. Daddy would actually ask what I thought about the homes we were visiting and took what I said into account.

Kind cool.

My parents weren’t so bad after all!

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