It’s hard out here for a pimp


Black people. Really?

Somehow, It’s hard Out Here for a Pimp won an Oscar for best orginal song. Firstly, I was surprised when I the lyrics used poor subsitutes for, “bitches, shit, and nigger”. I couldn’t even tell it was edited. Then, when it was announced that they won, 50 people jumped out on stage, though they were quickly whittled down later on.

Three 6 Mafia were all talking over each other trying to thank people with random exclimations of “thank you Jesus’s” and random curse words that were bleeped.

When John Stuart came back on stage after they were finished, he just laughed as did many people in the audience. Setting us back 100 years…

As usual, whitey used the oportunity to make an ignorant comment. Jimmy Kimmel, a man I CANNOT STAND said, “I guess those guys are gonna melt the [Oscar] statues down and make [gold] teeth…”


I can’t wait until that comes up on youtube though.

Edited to add…

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